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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Religious Freedom Rally

I received this in an email from Missouri Family Network:

Religious Freedom Rally

On Tuesday, March 27, 2012, Missouri Family Network, several organizations and religious leaders, including the Missouri Baptist Convention, Missouri Catholic Conference, and other religious denominations and  pro-life advocacy groups, including Missouri Right to Life, Americans United for Life, and others, will sponsor a legislative action day and rally to protest the new mandate of the US Department of Health and Human Services that forces employers, including religious institutions to provide coverage for abortion drugs, sterilization and contraceptives.  We will call on Congress to pass S. 1467, sponsored by Sen. Roy Blunt and H.R. 1179 cosponsored by U.S. Representatives Todd Akin, Vicky Hartzler, Sam Graves, Billy Long and Blaine Luetkemeyer.
The rally will also support the passage of the Missouri State Legislation, SB 749 which is sponsored by State Senator John Lamping.  This bill would prohibit the government from forcing religious institutions to offer health coverage for abortion drugs, sterilization or contraceptives.  It would also make sure that individuals do not have to buy health plans that cover such items.  (Current State law bans abortion coverage except as an individually purchased rider to a health care plan.)

Join Us on Tuesday, March 27th to Rally for Religious Freedom!  Wear Red For Life!

You may read the original post at

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