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Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Tweets for 2012-02-09

  • RT @mattblunt: Very bizarre. RT @JamesMNHarris Bizarre fact of the day: 50% of privately owned #Chimpanzees in the USA live in #Missouri ... #
  • RT @divadoll123: Liberal women find power in acting like men. Conservative women find power in acting like women. #
  • Few women act like a lady.RT @divadoll123: Liberal women find power in acting like men. Conservative women find power in acting like women. #
  • RT @ewerickson: Obama reunites Catholics and Orthodox Christians, and adds Southern Baptists and Muslims to the coalition. He is a... #
  • Marilyn Monroe 'Officially' Joins Twitter - Entertainment News Story #
  • Juror could face jail time for "friending" defendant on Facebook | News #
  • Senate Dems Say Obama "Reinforced" His Stance On Contraception Mandate To Them At Democratic Retreat… #

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