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Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Tweets for 2012-02-11

  • Don't let the sun fool you. It is ccccccccold out there! #
  • Thanks, Nancy! RT @nancypughusa: #ff #girlsrule ((^_~)) @eavesdropann @chiggers9 @SkiGarmisch @asskickymchotti @Tacami222 #
  • RT @jhogangidley: Breaking. @RickSantorum campaign: 3 States, 3 Wins, 3 Days, 3 Million. Today is 3rd consecutive million $ day. #cpac .. #
  • RT @realsheriffjoe: I just met with the Arizona Rangers. They presented me with a Certificate of Appreciation.... #
  • the targeted cartel heads were our informants « Public Secrets #
  • RT @kesgardner: On Monday, Obama will propose a budget. It spends way too much & would add another $1.33 trillion to our debt. Par for... #
  • RT @irishspy: No Explanation for Pennsylvania's Purple Squirrel: |Seen after eating the "special" mushrooms? #
  • RT @reppaulryan: WH treats our rights as revocable privileges from our government, instead of inalienable gifts from our creator.... #

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