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Friday, February 10, 2012

My Tweets for 2012-02-10

  • Southern Baptist leader: If Obama mandate isn't changed, Christians will go to jail #
  • RT @akvet: Please ReTweet: Trench Talk Thursday,Tonight: Trench Talk 7:30PM CST (password: trenchtalk) #
  • RT @michellemalkin: MT @NorahODonnell In Oval Office, Prez Obama refuses to answer if he stands by contraception rule. Says to reporter:... #
  • Virginia Home-Schoolers Make a Play to Join High School Teams #
  • Mark Levin: Obama is the best president Red China has ever had. #
  • RT @davidlimbaugh: RMT @gretawire: Look at who Obama just gave a shout out to & what timing! in midst of HHS contraception controversy!):... #
  • RT @ppppolls: We put a national poll in the field today and pretty clear your new leader is Rick Santorum. #
  • RT @glenasbury: Hannity reporting that both Biden & Daley advised Obama against the contraception ruling. Tyrannical overreach on Obama's... #
  • You mean no education?? RT @kesgardner: The federal government's core functions are law enforcement, the military, & the courts. In... #
  • RT @mlttr0mney: Joe the Plumber isn't named Joe and he's not a plumber. Then again, my first name's not Mitt and I'm not a conservative.... #
  • RT @wrogersm: @kesgardner Better yet, government should just butt out of health care, health insurance, etc., etc., etc. #
  • RT @kesgardner: Everyone -- not just Catholics -- who wants to offer health insurance should be free to decide whether to cover... #
  • Gulf Arab Leaders: Obama Admin. Is Biggest Threat to our Security #
  • Group Forces Congressional Hearing On Big Sis' Twitter, Drudge Spying #
  • Southern Baptist Convention Leader Voices Outrage: Obama "Has Declared War On Religion" | NCRenegade #

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