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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Women should not drive, get close to cucumbers, or show their face

First, we're told that women should not be allowed to drive because it makes them loose.  I always thought it was the "parking" (not the driving) that was the problem.

Repealing a ban on women drivers in Saudi Arabia would result in 'no more virgins', the country's religious council has warned.

A 'scientific' report claims relaxing the ban would also see more Saudis - both men and women - turn to homosexuality and pornography.

The startling conclusions were drawn by Muslim scholars at the Majlis al-Ifta' al-A'ala, Saudi Arabia's highest religious council, working in conjunction with Kamal Subhi, a former professor at the King Fahd University.

The report warns that allowing women to drive would 'provoke a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce'.

Within ten years of the ban being lifted, the report's authors claim, there would be 'no more virgins' in the Islamic kingdom.

And it pointed out 'moral decline' could already be seen in other Muslim countries where women are allowed to drive.

Next we're told that Muslim women need to stay away from certain fruits and vegetables to avoid having sexual thoughts:

An Islamic cleric living in Europe reportedly has warned Muslim women not to get too close to bananas, cucumbers or other produce -- to avoid having "sexual thoughts."


if women wanted to eat these foods, a third party -- preferably a male related to them, such as their father or husband -- should cut the items into small pieces before serving,

Next we're told that women  must wear a veil because their face is like a vagina!

Famous Salafi preacher Sheikh Abu Ishaq al-Huwainia likened the face of a woman to her vagina during a talk in front of a group of people on the necessity for women to wear the niqab [veil]. The sheikh's words provoked anger among women and Muslims in Egypt, even as his supporters defended him...

Perverts, perverts, perverts.

You may read the original post at

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