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Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Trash Africa’s Treasure

English: Optics and scalpels

Image via Wikipedia

When I first read this story, I thought, "Gee, we are a wasteful nation."

Doctors will often prepare for surgical procedures by opening instrument and supply kits that contain up to 100 items.

Many of these items, such as scalpels, needles or sponges, go unused; they're just not needed for that particular procedure. But because of government or hospital regulations in the United States, they are frequently thrown away, even when they are still wrapped.

"There are thousands of tons of medical supplies thrown away every day that are unused or clearly reusable," said Dr. Bruce Charash, a cardiologist in New York.

Fortunately, some nonprofit organizations, including Charash's Doc2Dock group, are finding ways to salvage these items and get them to people who need them desperately around the world.

And I continued to read:

Sometimes, perfectly good equipment is thrown away.

"Why would (hospitals) throw out a working sonogram machine or a working hospital bed?" Charash said. "One, it's not pretty enough. Secondly, there might be new technology available. In general, no one wants to use a 2005 (model) if a 2012 is available."

Occasionally, a hospital will simply switch brands and get rid of an entire line of unused items.

As I continued to read the article I was in awe and wowed at how fortunate we are.  We are a prosperous nation.  So much so, that we can switch brands or choose to use a new model and simply throw the old "stuff" away.  We are so prosperous, that other nations hunger for our trash.  I'm sure they are glad to be get what they do.  Oh, how sweet it is and how fortunate we are to be the giver.

Read more:

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