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Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Tweets for 2011-12-29

  • RT @ag_conservative: This is why I don't believe in government conspiracies. Most of the government is too incompetent to keep any secrets. #
  • RT @hale_razor: Hey #p2 you always said you love the troops so much you wanted them back here. Now, they're here, no parade. Where's your... #
  • RT @ag_conservative: Cap and Trade has very little to do with Global Warming. It is basically a wealth redistribution system and an... #
  • RT @irishspy: I feel rather sorry for Bachmann; Sorenson's betrayal has to be humiliating. #
  • RT @kesgardner: .@jmjrpsja The reason is simple: if Obama wins re-election, we could be finished as an economic & global superpower.... #
  • RT @eyeonpolitics: Me either. RT @kesgardner: I have never heard a single rational justification or proof for the assertion that... #
  • RT @eyeonpolitics: RT @SheilaKihne: "This is an election not only 2 replace a President. It is an election 2 save the soul of America."... #
  • US Attorney's Office in Detroit Reviewing "Bias" Complaint Against Town For Denying Mega-Madrassa #
  • House Passes Bill To Grant Congress Veto Power Over White House Rules #
  • RT @sahlersmeyer: Just confirmed - @RickSantorum's website had record hits today! Big numbers from Iowa too! #momentum #iacaucus... #
  • RadioShack owner to expand gun promotion #

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