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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama's New Christmas Tree Tax

What do you think of when you hear the words "Christmas tree?"  Do you think of a perfectly shaped tree with all the decorations?  Some new, some old, some handmade complete with icicles, tinsil, and lights.  There are plenty of other things you might associate with the tree or the decorating of the tree:  family, apple cidar, the fragrance of cinnamon and other favorite holiday dishes. According to Obama, the Christmas tree has a bad image.  Don't worry, our government is going to fix this problem that doesn't exist.  Obama has created a new Federal program whose sole purpose is to "strengthen the Christmas tree industry's position in the marketplace."  This is going to be accomplished by implementing a new 15-cent tax on fresh Christmas trees.  The revenue generated by this tax will go to the Board appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out the program. I'm wondering.  Is this tax just on Christmas trees or on holiday trees too?  Where is the ACLU on this one?  Is it constitutional for our government to tax something of a religious nature? This whole thing reeks of a 3-day old fish.  You know very well that most of the money collected will go to pay the salaries of the people that administer the program.  Then they'll decide the tax isn't enough and it will be increased year after year. Bahumbug! Source

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