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Friday, September 30, 2011

Biden: Obama Accountable for Poor State of Economy

Vice President Joe Biden told Florida radio station WLRN on Thursday that voters should hold President Barack Obama, not former President George W. Bush, accountable for the poor state of America's economy.

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"Even though fifty-some percent of the American people think that the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not relevant," Biden stressed. "What's relevant is we're in charge. And right now we are the ones in charge and it's gotten better, but it hasn't gotten good enough."

There you have it.  According to Biden, what you think doesn't matter.  Not only that, he's claiming that the economy has gotten better since Obama has been in the White House.  I think the Obama administration thinks that if they tell us that lie enough, we'll start believing it.


You may read the original post at

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