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Friday, February 25, 2011

JBF Northland Spring/Summer Sale is On!

Image representing Just Between Friends as dep...

Image via CrunchBase


Just Between Friends Northland Spring/Summer Sale is Finally Here!!!


February 26  & 27, 2011

KCI Expo Center
11730 Ambassador
KC, MO 64153

click here for directions to the sale


Yes, we did get some snow yesterday, but the JBF sale is on as scheduled.  If you're concerned about the roads, they are in good condition this afternoon—much better than they were this morning when I dropped my items off at the sale.

Come on out and warm yourself up with those great bargains!

Click here to view the complete schedule for the upcoming sale. This link will provide information regarding the pre-sale schedule including shopping times and hours of operation for our public shopping days.

Use the coupon below for free admittance!



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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can I Deduct my Homeschool Expenses From my Taxes?

Seal of the Internal Revenue Service

Image via Wikipedia

I get asked this question a lot this time of year, "Can I deduct my homeschool expenses from my taxes?"  A tax-law change the last few years allowing teachers to deduct expenses has caused even more confusion.

The short answer to the questions is, "no."  Here's an explanation from the Homeschool CPA:

The IRS guidelines say to be an eligible educator:

"You work at least 900 hours a school year in a school that provides elementary or secondary education, as determined under state law."

To work means to get paid for your work as a teacher-employee. Homeschool parents are not employees of a school. We do not get paid; we do not get a W-2. The IRS will check for a W-2 from a school if a taxpayer takes the Educator Expense deduction. Homeschoolers would not have a W-2 from a school, even if your state classifies your homeschool as a private school.

Keep in mind that the tax-law changes from year to year.  Just because you are not able to deduct your homeschool expenses at this time doesn't mean that you won't be able to sometime in the future.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Debunking the Homeschooling Naysayers

Example of unschooling (home-based, interesed-...

Image via Wikipedia

I think that all homeschoolers have at least one friend or family member that gives them a hard time about homeschooling—at least in the beginning.  In most cases, those that question your decision to homeschool are genuinely concerned about the children.  Some may truly be seeking information.  My experience has been that those that are against homeschooling are those that don't know anything about it.

I recently found a website giving tips on how to defend yourself to your loved ones that are questioning your decision to homeschool.  It does have some good tips, but fails to say that you don't have to defend yourself if you don't want to.  If you like you could let everything go in one ear and out the other and then go on.  You will know best how to handle your friends/family.  If necessary, you may have to visit said friends/family less often.  It's unfortunate, but you have to do what's best for your children.

Be aware that you will be asked questions.  Taking the time to think some questions through and how you want to answer them will make you better prepared and more comfortable in answering these questions.  You may also want to talk with your children about the questions they might be asked and how they might answer them.

As you continue to homeschool successfully the naysayers will come around.  You may be surprised to one day find your biggest adversary complimenting you on a job well done.

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The Craigslist Congressman

image When I see things like this, I'm amazed to think that people, especially those in the public eye, think that they can do something like this without anyone else finding out about it.  According to Gawker, Congressman Lee lied to the wrong person.  Once the woman Congressman Lee contacted on Craigslist realized that he lied about his age, occupation, and marital status, she forwarded their emails to Gawker.  This has put the brakes on this man's career, and I suspect has caused problems in his marriage even though the article claims that they are "happily married."

Below are some tips.

The Ways of the Internet:

1.  Anything you put in print, especially something risqué in nature, can and will be forwarded to lots and lots of people.  Some of those people you will know, some you will not.  No matter what efforts you put in to deleting this information, it will always be somewhere.

2.  If you are promiscuous, you will be found out.

3.  If you are in the public eye, news will travel twice the distance at twice the speed.

4.  There will be consequences.

5.  You are not the exception to all the rules.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Claire McCaskill Throws Missouri under the Bus/Snowplow

Yesterday the NY Times reported that Charlotte, NC was selected for the 2012 National Democratic Convention.  Several cities, including St. Louis, were under consideration for this mega event.

The NY Times also reported that Senator McCaskill (D-MO) argued that having the DNC in St. Louis could complicate her re-election in 2012:

Ms. McCaskill, one of the president's closest friends in the Senate, took her concerns directly to the White House, according to party leaders familiar with the selection process. She argued that her re-election could be complicated if the convention was held in St. Louis, because the Democratic gathering will almost certainly attract protesters and compete for fund-raising.*

The only comment I've been able to find from Claire is this Tweet:

I don't know what could make your re-election more complicated than ticking off your constituents.  To think that she may have lobbied against an event that would've brought thousands of jobs, even if only temporary, to the state is repulsive.  The last thing Missouri needs in D.C. is a career politician like Claire McCaskill that puts her wants/needs above the good of those she's supposed to be serving.  If you don't have a servant's heart, Claire, this job is not for you.

*via Democrats' 2012 Convention Will Be in Charlotte -

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