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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Missouri Constitutional Amendment 3

Here is an analysis from Missouri Family Network on Missouri Constitutional Amendment 3.  It is not only our duty to vote but also to be informed on the issues.  If you know what you're voting on and how you want to vote, the voting process should only take a few minutes.

This Amendment is one of those trick questions.  You must vote YES to prohibit the state, county, or city from charging sales tax on the sales of homes.  We all dread having to pay sales tax when we purchase a car.  How many of us have waited as long as we could legally to pay the tax to get our license plates?  Imagine having to pay sales tax on your home!  Yes, home sales are very slow right now.  Times are tough for everyone, including our government.  Government doesn't earn money, they have to take it from its citizens.  Don't think that they won't enact a sales tax on real estate as a way to increase their income.


Constitutional Amendment 3   -   Vote "YES" to prohibit sales taxes on your home!

Proposed by a Citizens' Initiative Petition.  Go to in order to read the full text of this proposed Missouri Constitutional Amendment.

Official Ballot Title:  (The summary question you will see in the voting booth)

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties, and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?

It is estimated this proposal will have no costs or savings to state or local governmental entities.

Fair Ballot Language:  (Additional clarification required by law, provided by Secretary of State's office.)

A "yes" vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to prevent the state, counties, and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate.

A "no" vote will not change the Missouri Constitution to prevent the state, counties, and other political subdivisions from imposing a new tax on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

Analysis: Contemporary debates over tax policy continues to evolve as the economy and government continues to diversify and complicate.  A more recent proposal that is garnering supporter is that known as the "fair tax".  This idea proposes to eliminate the conglomerate tax system that has become so disjointed and over complicated as it has developed through generations of piecemeal policies.  Discussions of this idea focused on streamlining the entire tax code by creating a flat sales tax on all goods and services.  Some currently untaxed goods and services would be included in the new flat tax.

An unintended result of these debates have been new ideas for more piecemeal taxes on the part of those who oppose a "fair tax".

While real estate owners face annual tax bills based on valuation schedules, there is no current sales tax on the sale or transfer of a home or real estate property in Missouri.  Due to the concerns that such a new tax could develop either as a direct result of a future "fair tax" or implemented sooner as a standalone 'fee' from tax happy politicians, this citizen's initiative was born.

With the discussion of a new sales tax hitting the public square for debate, as unpopular as it has been, many Missouri citizens agreed that it would be better to create a protection now than later.  Seeing how many automobiles are on the road today with temporary tags is troubling enough.  (How many of those new car owners made financial plans to purchase that vehicle only to discover there was not enough left over to pay the taxes in order to get a license plate?)  What a disincentive it would create if new home owners, farmers, entrepreneurs, or manufacturers had to fork out tens of thousands of tax dollars before being able to take possession of their newly acquired properties?

Property ownership is much more than a bedrock icon of Americanism.  It is embedded in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The third principle our forefathers understood as foundational to good government comes straight from Scripture.  God's Word teaches that all men are created equal and have certain basic liberties that should never be prohibited by government.  The "pursuit of happiness" is a broad reference to property ownership as part of the complete meaning within the principle for each person being allowed to keep and enjoy the fruits of their own labor.

In defense of home and property ownership – please vote "YES" to prohibit sales taxes on your home!

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pelosi: "I will still be Speaker in five weeks."

Nancy says she'll still be Speaker in five weeks.  I sure hope she's eating crow in five weeks.
"I will still be Speaker in five weeks," she said. "I have big confidence in my candidates. They're excellent; they're battle-tested. They know what they believe, and they're doing just fine in their districts."
via Nancy Pelosi: 'I Will Still Be Speaker After Midterm Elections' - FishbowlDC.

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Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2

Here is another analysis from Missouri Family Network:

Constitutional Amendment 2

Vote "YES" to support disabled former POW veterans!

Proposed by the 95th Missouri General Assembly (First Regular Session 2009) House Joint Resolution 15.  Go to to read the full text of this proposed Missouri Constitutional Amendment.

Official Ballot Title:  (The summary question you will see in the voting booth)

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require that all real property used as a homestead by Missouri citizens who are former prisoners of war and have a total service-connected disability be exempt from property taxes?

The number of qualified former prisoners of war and the amount of each exemption are unknown, however, because the number who meet the qualifications is expected to be small, the cost to local governmental entities should be minimal.  Revenue to the state blind pension fund may be reduced by $1,200.

Fair Ballot Language:  (Additional 'clarification' required by state law to be provided to voters by the Secretary of State's office.)

A "yes" vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to exempt from property taxes all real property used as a homestead by any Missouri citizen who is a former prisoner of war with a total service-connected disability.

A "no" vote will not add this exemption to the Missouri Constitution.

If passed, this measure will decrease property taxes for qualified citizens.

Analysis: Missouri is home to many veterans of our United States Military.  Those who have served in any of the various branches of military have done so at the risk of going to war and/or direct combat to defend your freedom to read this article.  Over the years many men and women have faced tremendous horrors and/or shed their blood while a great many have died in defense of the freedoms that come from our constitutional republic and the Godly heritage on which it is built.

The false slogan 'Peace is Patriotic' is a lie.  Peace is only the fruit of true patriotism.  The real essence of true patriotism is Commitment and Sacrifice.  Those who have made and kept that commitment deserve our praise and support.  Those who have paid the cost of sacrifice have certainly earned more.

If "the labourer is worthy of his hire" (Luke 10:7), then one who submits 24/7, gives up personal gain, keeps the commitment that is demanded of a soldier, and pays the sacrifice resulting in their becoming a prisoner of war and a total personal disability – is worthy of their hire also!  And WE are the employer who benefits from their patriotism!

There are relatively few veterans in Missouri that fit this narrow definition that are alive to benefit from this exemption from paying property taxes.  However, no matter how many or how few, we the free men and women of Missouri should be more than willing to corporately pick up the minor cost of supporting these heroes.  We should, and I for one, are proud to invite all such heroes to come and live in our state.  What a small cost to share in exchange for having these patriots to live in our neighborhoods and available to our children and grandchildren as living examples of the costs of freedom!

Please vote "YES" to support disabled former POW veterans!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Missouri Constitutional Amendment 1

I received this analysis from Missouri Family Network.  This amendment will appear on the November ballot.

Constitutional Amendment 1   -   Vote "YES" to hold county assessors accountable!

Proposed by the 95th Missouri General Assembly (First Regular Session 2009) SJR 5.  Voters may go to to see the full text of this proposed Constitutional Amendment.

Official Ballot Title:  (The summary question you will see in the voting booth)

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require the office of county assessor to be an elected position in all counties with a charter form of government, except counties with a population between 600,001-699,999?

It is estimated this proposal will have no costs or savings to state or local governmental entities.

Fair Ballot Language:  (Additional clarification required by law, provided by Secretary of State's office.)

A "yes" vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to require that assessors in charter counties be elected officers.  This proposal will affect St. Louis County and any county that adopts a charter form of government.  The exception is for a county that has between 600,001-699,999 residents, which currently is only Jackson County.

A "no" vote will not change the current requirement for charter counties.

If passed, this measure will not have an impact on taxes.

Analysis: Missouri's 114 counties, not including the City of St. Louis which is classified as a city not within a county and thus counted as a county unto itself, are classified under 5 distinct levels.  Classes I-IV counties are classified based on overall valuations.  All county assessors in these first four classified counties are publicly elected.  Most counties are rated as Class III and those who reach Class IV have the option of reorganizing as a Charter Class County if approved by their voters.   This approval includes the governing structures.

These Charter Class Counties have a greater detailed form of governance (which invokes much pro/con debate points).  One of the negative issues related to Charter Class Counties is that under the state constitution they can allow the county assessor to be appointed rather than publicly elected.  This has led to controversial property assessment methods being employed that many see as a direct result of a lack of public accountability.  Const. Amend. #1 seeks to return these positions back to elected offices in order to enforce more accountability.  Of the three counties with appointed assessors, St. Charles and St. Louis Counties have been in the center of this debate.

Currently there are only four Charter Class Counties in Missouri.  These include Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis Counties, each as a part of the greater St. Louis City region.  Green County (Springfield area) and Boone County (Columbia area) are Class IV Counties which have discussed but not yet moved to become Charter Class Counties.  Jackson County in the Kansas City area is the only remaining Charter Class County in the state, but is excluded from the proposed constitutional amendment.  (Jefferson County chose to keep electing their assessor.)

County classifications are provided for under the Missouri State Constitution.  Requiring that all county assessors are to be elected by constitutional mandate would protect this provision unless changed by a future statewide vote.

In summary, county assessors in three counties (Jackson, St. Charles, and St. Louis) are currently the only ones not currently elected or answerable directly to their voters.  Constitutional Amendment #1 will only affect two of these counties as Kansas City politicians managed to get Jackson County exempted from the proposal.  Passage of this measure will mean that all of Missouri's county assessors except in Jackson County will be required to be publicly elected.  (This also removes Jefferson County's option to appoint their assessor in the future.)

Principles of good government which stem from our Judeo/Christian heritage supports high accountability in public affairs.  Recognizing that man does not have a natural inclination towards righteousness ("As it is written, there is none righteous, no. not one:" Romans 3:10; "there is none that doeth good" v. 12) public service requires higher accountability than personal enterprise.  Thus holding all county assessors directly answerable to citizens rather than allowing them to be politically insulated from straightforward voter accountability only makes sense.

Please vote "YES" to hold county assessors accountable!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Euthanize Obamacare

I considered posting something today about Obamacare, but Steven W. Mosher says it all in this blog entry.
Today is the six-month anniversary of the passage of President Obama's signature legislation, what has come to be known as ObamaCare. The White House is feting this semi-anniversary, but few Americans are in a mood to join the celebration.
[. . .]
The easiest Obama claim to refute is his contention that ObamaCare would not fund abortions. This is because he refuted it himself by issuing an executive order explicitly forbidding the funding of abortions through ObamaCare. When I first learned of this particular ruse, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Because it is a ruse; albeit very clever one that many people, apparently including "pro-life" Democrats like Bart Stupak, fail to see through. You see, if ObamaCare had not funded abortion in the first place, then his executive order would be unnecessary. So the executive order constitutes evidence that, contra Obama, ObamaCare had funded abortion all along. At the same time, however, since federal law always and everywhere trumps executive orders, Obama's order is not worth the paper it is written on. As a Harvard-trained lawyer, the President surely realizes that his executive order will not stand up to the most cursory of judicial reviews. Obamacare will then be used as Obama, Reid and Pelosi intended, as a vehicle to promote and perform abortions. It seems to me that our choice as Americans is simple: Either we euthanize ObamaCare before it is too late, or it winds up euthanizing us.
via Time to Pay an "End-of-Life Visit" to ObamaCare | Population Research Institute.

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Facebook Down

The social network, with its 550 million worldwide users, said it is "currently experiencing some site issues causing Facebook to be slow or unavailable for some users." "We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible," according to a spokesperson.
via Facebook experiencing outage: Company says site is 'slow or unavailable' | Technology | Los Angeles Times.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

National Geographic Bee in KC

Clay-Platte Home Educators (CPHE) will host the 2011 National Geographic Bee to be held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, at 9:30 am at North Kansas City Library, 2251 Howell Street, North Kansas City, MO 64116.

An eight-week preparatory class will be held on Friday mornings beginning October 1 and ending on November 19, location to be announced.  The fee for this class is included in your registration.  You must be registered and fees paid to attend class.  Participation is encouraged, but not required.

Homeschool students in 4th through 8th grades are eligible to participate.  We MUST have six participants to hold the bee.  If we do not have six students registered by October 10, the bee will be canceled.  We will continue to take registrations through November 24.

Refer a friend and save!  Receive $3 for each friend (paid participant) you refer.  Payment will be refunded to you the day of the bee.

You may visit the National Geographic Bee's website for frequently asked questions, sample questions, and quizzes at .

Email for registration information.

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'Draw Muhammad' Cartoonist Goes Into Hiding

All of this from the religion of peace:

The Seattle cartoonist whose artwork sparked the controversial "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!" has gone into hiding at the advice of the FBI after being targeted by a radical Muslim cleric, according to the newspaper that published her comics.

Molly Norris has moved and changed her name, the Seattle Weekly said Wednesday, after U.S.-born Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki placed her on an execution hit list. Awlaki -- who has been linked to the botched Times Square bombing and cited as inspiration for the Fort Hood massacre and a plot by two New Jersey men to kill U.S. soldiers -- reportedly called Norris a "prime target" for assassination and that her "proper abode is hellfire." - 'Draw Muhammad' Cartoonist Goes Into Hiding at FBI's Insistence After Assassination Threat.

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Government Wants Control of Your Food Supply

It is difficult to believe that a bill such as this would even be introduced in America.  If SB510 is passed, you may not be able to grow food on your property for your own consumption.  If you're allowed to grow food on your own property for your own consumption it could be severely regulated and highly monitored.
Steve Green of Rense reports that  that S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US because if it's passed, the bill would prohibit Americans'  right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice and "will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." If you haven't grasped this yet, the American government wants to control not only what we eat, but who makes the food, engineers its growth, produces and distributes it. In the end, Senate Bill 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.
President Obama seeks to gain control of our food supply - Los Angeles Obama Administration |

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Twitter Patched

Update (6:50 PDT, 13:50 UTC): The exploit is fully patched.
via Twitter Status.

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Twitter Hacked

Twitter has been hacked, and users are being advised to stay off of  Instead, use your 3rd party application.  I've been using Yoono, or another one I like is Seesmic. Michelle Malkin » Techie advice of the day: has been hacked.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm Exhausted of Defending You

A CFO, mother, wife, American veteran, and middle-class American tells President Obama how she is exhausted from defending him, his administration, and the mantle of change she voted for.  She talks how the recession has effected her family and asks if going back to her family's "hotdog and bean days" is their new reality.

Here's Obama's non-answer:

Times are tough for everybody right now.

Obama also talks about how health insurance companies must cover your children if they have a pre-existing condition.  What he doesn't tell you is that no middle-class family can afford the premiums for these children.

The good news: the great recession – the longest in postwar America – ended in June 2009, according to a panel of economists who date recessions. The bad news, evident in data that the economists highlighted: The ensuing recovery is the most tepid yet after such a steep recession.

Do you believe that the recession is over?  Are you better off today that you were a year ago?

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

iPad vs. ObamaPad

Score?  You lose!

While searching on YouTube looking for a particular video, I ran across these two tonight.  These are great and I wanted to share.


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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Garbage truck cameras give new meaning to trash TV

Coming to your town:  Big Brother Trash TV:  The Canadian government is now using cameras mounted on garbage trucks to monitor what their citizens are putting in their trash and make sure they are recycling properly.  Not only that, citizens could get a hefty fine for putting recyclables in the trash.
Officials in B.C.'s Okanagan Valley plan to use camera-equipped garbage trucks to film what gets dumped in order to make sure people are recycling properly.
Mixing things like cardboard, batteries or electronics in with the garbage will net a warning from the city, a fine of up to $100, or even the cancelling of curbside pickup, he said.

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Al-Qaeda: Two homegrown terror suspects face additional charges

Terrorism is alive and well in the United States.  This is why we must never forget.
According to the Superseding Indictment filed in Manhattan federal court today: In February 2008, El-Hanafi traveled to Yemen, where he met with two members of al Qaeda. While in Yemen, EL-HANAFI swore an oath of allegiance to al Qaeda, received instructions from al Qaeda on operational security measures, and received assignments to perform for al Qaeda. Three months later, in May 2008, El-Hanafi met with another individual ("CC-1") in Brooklyn to discuss CC-1 also joining al Qaeda. Hasanoff—who had previously received $50,000 from CC-1—and El-Hanafi had additional discussions with CC-1 about joining al Qaeda. During about the same time period, EL-HANAFI purchased a subscription for a software program that enabled him to communicate securely with others over the Internet. In June 2008, El-Hanafi directed CC-1 to perform various tasks for al Qaeda. And at that time, Hasanoff instructed CC-1 not to use his U.S. passport when traveling because a U.S. passport with fewer immigration stamps would be more valuable to al Qaeda. Additionally, in August 2008, Hasanoff traveled to New York City where he performed assignments for al Qaeda. The following year, in April 2009, El-Hanafi purchased seven Casio digital watches over the Internet on behalf of al Qaeda and had them delivered to his residence in Brooklyn, New York. El-Hanafi, 33, is a U.S. citizen who was born and lived in Brooklyn, New York. Hasanoff, 34, is a dual citizen of the United States and Australia, who also resided in Brooklyn, New York. If convicted on all counts, El-Hanafi and Hasanoff each face a maximum sentence of 70 years in prison.
Al-Qaeda: Two homegrown terror suspects face additional charges - National Law Enforcement |

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Judge on Trial Before Senate - Evidently, Character Does Matter

This judge was appointed by President Clinton.  Isn't he the one that told us that character didn't matter?
A federal judge from Louisiana is corrupt and unfit to serve on the bench, House members said Monday as they began a rare congressional impeachment trial by laying out their case against the jurist. Playing the role of prosecutors, Reps. Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat, and Robert W. Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, used their opening statements to a Senate impeachment panel to outline what they called a decades-long pattern of unethical behavior by New Orleans-area U.S. District Judge G. Thomas Porteous. They said that included taking cash, expensive meals and other gifts from lawyers and a bail bondsman, lying to Congress and filing for bankruptcy under a false name.
Judge on trial before Senate - Washington Times.

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Obama pushes kids to work hard in back-to-school speech

Yeah, can't get a job with it; can't get a job without it.
The president said education "never has been more important."
via Obama pushes kids to work hard in back-to-school speech -

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Better Remember

9/11 should not be revered as some kind of national almost holiday...
[. . .]

because the terrorists I'm sure are saying, "Look, they are remembering what we did."

I guess that means we should cancel Pearl Harbor Day too.  Pearl Harbor Day, or Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, is a day to remember the attack on Pearl Harbor which occurred on December 7, 1941.  It's a day to remember those that died, those that were injured, and those that survived the attack.  It's a day to remember that we had, and still do have, enemies that want to kill us.

Every December 7th does Japan say, "Look, they're remembering what we did?"  We better remember.

via Judith Miller Smacks Down Alan Colmes For Saying 9/11 Shouldn't Be Commemorated |

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

God did not create the universe, says Hawking

I cannot help but feel pity for this man and those like him.  He has all the wisdom of the world, yet he is a fool.  He cannot understand the things of God because he does not know God and has not received His wisdom.  He can deny God all he wants now, but one day he will bow down and confess Jesus Christ King. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. - 1 Corinthians 2:14 NASB
LONDON (Reuters) – God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Proverbs 1:7
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," Hawking writes.
[18] For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), "I am the LORD, and there is none else. ... [23] "I have sworn by Myself, The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness And will not turn back, That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance. - Isaiah 45:18, 23 NASB God did not create the universe, says Hawking - Yahoo! News.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate Sent to Every Member of Congress

It will be interesting to see where this goes.  Are you a "birther?"
Lucas Daniel Smith has just completed a mailing to each member of Congress a copy of a document which he stated is a certified copy of the original birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II showing that Obama was born in Kenya, Africa. Each birth certificate copy was sent with a seven-page, individually-notarized letter by certified mail. The project was completed on August 31, 2010. Smith said that he obtained the document from the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya in February 2009. The document became part of a lawsuit filed by Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., in California which was denied a hearing in October 2009 by Judge David O. Carter.
Lucas Smith Interview: Alleged Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate Sent to Every Member of Congress, Got Notice!? | Before It's News.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Student Electrocutes Himself, Sues Teacher

At 18 years old, this student is considered an adult.  He is able to vote (if registered), enter into a contract, and serve in our military.  In any news report, he would be called a man.  He should admit that he did something stupid and move on.  Now the whole world, yes the whole world, knows about his foolish shenanigans.  He should be thankful that they weren't using table saws that day.  He probably would've sawed his arm off and then claimed that he didn't know it was "dangerous."  There was a time that Americans had a little pride and were too ashamed to admit to doing something this ignorant.  The only thing this "adult" should receive is the Darwin award.
An American student whose heart stopped after he deliberately electrocuted himself in a science class is suing his teacher for not warning him it was dangerous. Kyle Dubois, 18, is also taking legal action against the school district and the city of Dover in New Hampshire. Dubois and his parents claim teacher Thomas Kelley did not tell him and other students of the dangers of the demonstration power cords in their electrical trades class. They are seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost income due to time away from work and other damages related to the incident, which occurred on March 11. Dubois attached an electrical clamp to one nipple while another student attached another clamp to the other. A third student plugged in the cord. Dubois was critically injured and his legal team claim he has suffered permanent brain damage.
Student who electric shocked his nipples sues teacher for not warning him | Mail Online.

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Food expiration dates: What do they really mean?

This article was a welcome find.  I have one teenager in the house that thinks if food isn't at its premium, that it should be discarded.  I've told him that there's no way anyone knows exactly what day any food is going to go bad, that the date is nothing but a guess, and that the food is safe to eat long after the expiration date.  Still, if it's past the date on the carton or has the slightest blemish on it; he thinks the whole thing should be discarded.  I've also told him that he's very fortunate to even think that he's in the position to discard perfectly edible food.
those dates are really more about quality than safety, and if not properly understood, they can also encourage consumers to discard food that is perfectly safe to eat.
via Food expiration dates: What do they really mean? | Yahoo! Green.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting Old

Here's a funny video I thought others might like.

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